Volume 2017, No. 6

Federalism Hedging, Entrenchment, and the Climate Challenge by William W. Buzbee
Economic Analysis of Labor Regulation by Hiba Hafiz
Atlas Nods: The Libertarian Case for a Basic Income by Miranda Perry Fleischer & Daniel Hemel

Not Just a Fantasy: The Real Benefits of Daily Fantasy Sports Legislation for Wisconsin by Brian C. Miller

Volume 2017, No. 5

The Foundations of Constitutional Theory by Andrew Coan
One Person, No Votes: Unopposed Candidate Statutes and the State of Election Law by Noah B. Lindell
Crimmigration-Counterterrorism by Margaret Hu

The Doctor Will See You Now-From 100 Miles Away: Navigating Physician Non-Compete Agreements in the Age of Telemedicine by Greta Mattison Megna

Volume 2017, No. 4

Business, Corruption, and Human Rights: Towards a New Responsibility for Corporations to Combat Corruption by David Hess
The Tragedy of Elephants by Branden D. Jung
Winning the Battle, Losing the War?: Assessing the Impact of Misclassification Litigation on Workers in the Gig Economy by V.B. Dubal

Lewis v. Epic: An Employee Arbitration Odessey by Andrew J. Fabianczyk

Volume 2017, No. 3

Debunking the Stranger-in-the-Bushes Myth: The Case for Sexual Assault Protection Orders by Shawn E. Fields
Tampon Taxes, Discrimination, and Human Rights by Bridget J. Crawford & Carla Spivack
The Uneasy Case for Patent Federalism by Roger Allan Ford

Clearing the Path from Trailhead to Summit with a Leave No Trace Law by Samuel Case

Volume 2017, No. 2

Symposium Issue: Modern Federal Judicial Selection

Filling the Seventh Circuit Vacancies by Carl Tobias
Majority Rule and the Future of Judicial Selection by Michael J. Gerhardt & Richard W. Painter
Cooperative Judicial Nomination During the Obama Administration by David Fontana
Is There Really a Diversity Conundrum? by Theresa M. Beiner
How Political Ideology Undermines Racial and Gender Diversity I Federal Judicial Selection: The Prospects for Judicial Diversity in the Trump Years by Kevin R. Johnson
Diversity, Qualification, and Ideology: How Female and Minority Judges Have Changed, or Not Changed, Over Time by Maya Sen
A Tale of Two Justices: Brandeis, Marshall, and Federal Court Judicial Diversity by Linda Sheryl Greene

Volume 2017, No. 1

Our Justice System at an Inflection Point by William C. Hubbard

“Captured Boards”: The Rise of “Super Directors” and the Case for a Board Suite by Kobi Kastiel & Yaron Nili
The Case for Symmetry in Antidiscrimination Law by Naomi Schoenbaum

Let This Jardines Grow: The Case for Curtilage Protection in Common Spaces by Kathryn E. Fifield

TIF-for-Tax: Upholding TIF’s Original Purpose and Maximizing Its Use as a Catalyst for Community Economic Development by Bryon Eagon