Volume 2010, No. 2


Symposium: New Governance and the Transformation of Law



New Governance and Experimentalism: An Introduction
Gráinne de Búrca


Governance, Accountability, and the New Poverty Agenda
Wendy A. Bach


The Next Generation of Administrative Law: Building the Legal Infrastructure for Collaborative Governance
Lisa Blomgren Bingham


Governance Legalism: Hayek and Sabel on Reason and Rules, Organization and Law
Amy J. Cohen


Transforming into What? New Governance in the EU and the “Managerial Sensibility” in Modern Law
Mark Dawson


New Governance in the Teeth of Human Frailty: Lessons from Financial Regulation
Cristie Ford


The Metamorphosis of the Functional Synthesis: A Continental European Perspective on Governance, Law, and the Political in the Transnational Space
Poul F. Kjaer


The Regulatizing Process and the Boundaries of New Public Governance
Edward Rubin


New Governance, Preemptive Self-Regulation, and the Blurring of Boundaries in Regulatory Theory and Practice
Jason M. Solomon


Comparing Approaches Towards Governing Scientific Advisory Bodies on Food Safety in the United States and the European Union
Stephanie Tai


Three Conceptions of Law: Towards a Jurisprudence of Democratic Experimentalism
Michael Wilkinson


Afterward – Part I: The World Turned Upside Down: Reflections on New Governance and the Transformation of Law
David and Louise Trubek


Afterword – Part II: New Governance Anxieties: A Deweyan Response
William H. Simon


Afterword – Part III: Reflections on Success and Failure in New Governance and the Role of the Lawyer
Lisa T. Alexander